EEOC Diversity Project Grant


Application   l Terms and Conditions  

 What is a Diversity Project Grant?

The District’ Equal Employment Opportunity Community launched a program in 2018 to sponsor grants for projects created by students, faculty or staff that reflect the District’s values related to diversity and inclusion.  These values are reflected in the District’ Mission Statement which states: 

“Celebrate the community’s rich cultural diversity, reflect this diversity in student enrollment, promote it in its staff, and maintain a campus climate that supports student success.”

Who can Apply for a Grant?

Any individual (or group) who is a student or employee of the District can submit an application for a Diversity Project Grant. Individuals can also work together and apply as a group.

How much money is available?

For individual applications, the maximum grant is $4,000.  If a group combines individuals from multiple campuses or multiple applicant groups, such as students and faculty working together, the maximum grant is $6,500.

The EEOC expects to notify the grant recipients in May.

What kinds of projects are allowed?

The types of projects that will be considered include, but are not limited to:

  • Film festivals
  • Exhibits
  • Documentary Screenings
  • Diversity Talks
  • Community Forums
  • Community Murals
  • Diversity Centered Activities (e.g. Workshops or Speakers)
  • Diversity Centered Events (e.g. Unity or Multicultural Day)
  • NEW: Submit a Presentation Proposal for the NCORE Conference

All Diversity Projects must be completed by May 31st of the year following the award of the grant.

How do I apply for a Diversity Project Grant?

All Diversity Project Grant Applications must include:

  • The name/title of lead applicant, group members (if any), the lead campus
  • A statement that explains the project in detail and includes proposed dates, times, activities, location and desired outcomes
  • A statement that explains how the project aligns to the District’s values
  • A detailed budget

A sample budget can be found here.  

Applications are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 1st, 2020. All applicants will be notified of the decision on their application no later than the last day of classes in Spring semester (May 22, 2020).

How are the applications evaluated?

Eligible applications will be reviewed and ranked based on: project impact, cost efficiency, evaluation of desired outcomes, alignment to district values of diversity, and project plan and implementation.

Are there any other requirements?

Upon completion of the project, and no later than April 30 of the year following the award of the grant, a detailed statement describing the project (including project expenditures), outcomes and impact must be submitted to the EEOC. In addition, the completed project must be presented at the annual ceremony in May of each year.