Small Business Assistance and Resources
The Bay Area Entrepreneur Center of Skyline College or “BAEC” is an off-campus, innovative resource center serving the College and the local business community. The BAEC provides aspiring entrepreneurs and established business owners with the information, tools, and support they need to grow their current business or develop their new business ideas. The BAEC has a team of coaches offering one-on-one consulting, business management guidance, business tools and assistance, networking opportunities, workshops, internships and business address services to clients.
The BAEC is here to assist small businesses as they navigate these uncertain times. The BAEC has launched The Small Business Recovery & Assistance Program, a resource offering innovative business tools, workshops and one on one expert advice to help businesses succeed.
Pcyeta Stroud
Director, Bay Area Entrepreneur Center
Contact Pcyeta for support for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs.