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Planning & Construction: Capital Improvement Program (CIP)


On July 11, 2001 (Board Report No. 01-7-1C), the Board received a report containing a review of facilities projects. The project list, as noted in the July 11 report, resulted from several months of activities designed to assure that the District's physical resources will meet a high standard of instructional readiness. Included in these efforts were the following: (1) an extensive Facility Audit; (2) a Comprehensive Energy Analysis; and (3) a significant update of the Facility Master Plan. In addition to identification of the major renovation, repair and energy efficiency needs of the District, these activities highlighted the District's need for property improvements and acquisitions to meet educational program goals.

The facilities project list was finalized to reflect conclusions reached during the discussion at the Board meeting on July 11. That list is shown below, organized as follows: (1) repair and renovation (including energy efficiency projects), (2) technology and equipment, and (3) proposed Facility Master Plan projects. The District seeks Board approval of the list as a basis for General Obligation Bond projects. The cost of the projects total $246 million, of which $207 million would be funded through a General Obligation Bond and $39 million would be funded through local and State sources, in addition to interest revenue generated from the investment of Bond funds.

I. REPAIR & RENOVATION $100 million ($90 million G.O. Bond, $10 million State and local funding)

A. Repair or replace roofing
B. Remove hazardous materials
C. Renovate or replace plumbing systems
D. Renovate or replace storm drainage systems
E. Repair or replace sanitary drainage systems
F. Repair, replace or renovate underground hot water piping system
G. Replace or upgrade fire alarm systems
H. Replace or upgrade building fire sprinkler systems
I. Renovate or upgrade restrooms
J. Repair, renovate or construct elevators and lifts
K. Install battery backup power for elevators
L. Grade slopes to improve accessibility
M. Repair or replace asphalt and concrete surfaces
N. Replace or install campus signage to improve accessibility
O. Interior and exterior painting and waterproofing
P. Replace, repair, or renovate interior finishes
Q. Repair or replace door hardware and locks
R. Replace or repair landscape irrigation systems
S. Erosion mitigation
T. Energy Efficiency:

  • Replace or upgrade electrical systems
  • Replace or install new lighting systems
  • Repair, replace or install new heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • Repair or upgrade windows
  • Install energy management systems
  • Replace or upgrade environmental controls

U. Resurface tennis courts *
V. Resurface athletic fields *
W. Renovate aquatic facilities *
X. Renovate athletic facilities *

* Not currently proposed for General Obligation Bond proceeds


A. Replace obsolete voice and data communications systems
B. Renovate, upgrade or install infrastructure for networks
C. Upgrade or replace computer hardware, including network equipment
D. Replace or upgrade software
E. Replace analog systems with digital broadcast equipment and related communications devices
F. Upgrade or replace science lab equipment (e.g., imaging astronomy cameras, Planetarium star projector, measuring scales, seismograph stations, weather instruments, optic systems and timers, microscopes)
G. Upgrade or replace workforce development, vocational, and occupational lab equipment (e.g., aircraft scales, vacuum systems, fiber optic kits, cutters/torches, motion graphics equipment and software, X-ray systems, light curing units, patient beds, facial machines, professional hair dryers, automotive lifts, and Law Enforcement, Fire Safety and Emergency Medical Training units)
H. Upgrade or replace audio visual equipment
I. Upgrade or replace visual/performing arts equipment (e.g., pianos, keyboards, music stands, cameras, projectors, enlargers, developers, audio sound machines, editing machines, recorders)
J. Replace or upgrade furniture and fixtures (e.g., desks, workstations, chairs, tables, podiums, screens, lecterns, white boards, chalk boards)

III. MASTER PLAN PROJECTS $106 million ($77 million G.O. Bond, $29 million State and local funding)

Cañada College

1. Library/Learning Resource Center (State Capital Outlay and General Obligation Bond)
2. University Center (State Capital Outlay & General Obligation Bond)
3. Student Support Services Extension (General Obligation Bond)

College of San Mateo

1. Integrated Science Center (State Capital Outlay and General Obligation Bond)
2. Vocational Technology & Communications Center (State Capital Outlay and General
Obligation Bond)
3. Regional Public Safety Center (local public safety agencies and General Obligation Bond)
4. Student Support Services Center (State Capital Outlay and General Obligation Bond)

Skyline College

1. Occupational & Work Force Development Center (General Obligation Bond)
2. Student Support & Community Services Center (Student Union Fee and General
Obligation Bond)
3. Childhood Development Center (State Capital Outlay)
4. Pacific Heights campus redevelopment (local funds and General Obligation Bond)
5. Automotive Technology-Transmission Facility (General Obligation Bond)


1. Temporary classroom, lab, office, restroom, and storage facilities during reconstruction
2. Other property acquisitions and improvements


"Facilities Excellence"


Facilities Planning & Operations
Phone: (650) 574-6512
Fax: (650) 574-6574

San Mateo County Community College District
3401 CSM Drive
San Mateo CA 94402

Construction Planning Department
 Phone: (650) 358-6785
 Fax: (650) 358-6764