ESOL 840 Nicol Fall 2004 Student Name: _Maria-Cristina Mena-Murphy___

Red tape two-week reserve books (minimum 3 for the semester)

Due dates: circle the date you want credit for #1-9/23 #2-10/26 #3-12/02

Title (always underline book titles):                      nonfiction or fiction (circle one)

 To Have and Have Not.

Author:  Ernest Hemingway

Number of pages:  262

Names of main characters (=people):  Harry Morgan, Eddie Marshall, Freddy Wallace, Albert Tracy, and Richard Gordon.


Briefly summarize the plot (= story). Use simple present tense if fiction, simple past tense for nonfiction (=true, factual). In English, we do not use the past tense to tell a movie or fictional book plot. Try to fit your words into this space. Prove to me you finished the book: Use the expression "In the end,..." to tell me how the book ends.

            The story of To Have and Have Not begins someplace near Cuba, Miami, and Key West, a port, in around 1920, when it wasnÕt permitted to sell alcohol in the USA, and when the Cuban Revolution was beginning. 

Captain Harry has a boat, which permits him to work and support his family.  But all the time he is doing a bad business with strange people that never tell the truth.  First, three young Cuban men try to convince Harry to bring them far away, but he avoids doing that because he feels that it is a big problem.  Then, when Harry is in a bar, there is a shooting that finishes with the three fellows dead.

             Then, Harry tries another business with a Chinese man who smuggles Chinese people to the USA, but Harry kills him and puts the Chinese people on a beach in Cuba.  Later, Harry is involved in contraband liquor, but Harry and his helper get hurt, and they finish by dropping the liquor in the sea.

Harry tries to steal his boat, which was confiscated, to bring three Cuban people outside Miami.  But they are revolutionaries, who assault a bank, and kill his new helper, Albert.  Harry brings his Thompson gun, and kills all of them. Also Harry is hurt.  In the end, the police find his boat and the money, and his wife Maria is waiting for him in the Hospital.  Harry dies.


Answer each question below. Pay attention to the subject + verb grammar as you complete the sentences below. Then add a few more sentences to explain your opinion.


1. I liked when...

            Harry sends the Chinese people to the beach, and he doesnÕt kill them.  This shows that Harry was not a bad man.

2. I didn't like when...

            Harry canÕt use his boat because it was confiscated. This was very difficult for him because the boat was his life.

3. I agreed with the way that...

            Harry always tried to find work even when he lost his boat. In this way, he could always support his family.

4. I disagreed with the way that...

            The Cuban men lie to Harry, saying that they need to go so far, but didnÕt say anything about assaulting the bank.

 5. I admired _Ernest Hemingway_(name of author or character) because...he wrote in a new form, easier to read and he uses simple words and dialogue.  He changed the way to write in America.


6. I felt that __Harry Morgan__(name of author or character) should have had more care of the people that he did business with.............(Put in past participle verb and complete sentence. Then explain.)

All the time Harry ends killing people, and finally they killed him.


7. In this book I learned that...

            If you have bad businesses, probably you will have a lot of troubles, and finally everything will result badlyÉ