Fall 2007
CHIN 121 AZH CRN 91177 Tuesday 7:00 to 10:00 pm at Room 8220

Instructor: Kim Lim Office: Skyline College Bldg. 5200 Phone: (650) 738-4152

I. Syllabus

II. Weekly lessons

IV. Sound Tracks

III. Useful resources

Textbook: Integrated Chinese, Level 1 Part 2 (2nd ed., simplified character)
Workbook: Workbook for Integrated Chinese, Level 1 Part 2 (2nd ed., simplified character)
Character Workbook for Integrated Chinese, Level 1 Part 2 (2nd. ed., traditional and simplified character ed.)

Prerequisites: CHIN 112, Elementary Chinese II, or equivalent.

Course Description:
This is the first part of a two-part Advanced Elementary Chinese course. This course will continue to develop students' communicative competence through the study of grammar, acquisition of new vocabulary, and practice of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Content-appropriate social and cultural information will be presented to promote the students' understanding of the Mandarin Chinese-speaking world.

Student outcome:
At the end of the course, students will acquire vocabulary and sentence structures for use in some basic daily-life communication. They will be able to identity the sounds and tones of Mandarin in Pinyin system, read (with approximately 500 characters), write in Chinese (simplified Chinese characters), also be able to recognize the respective traditional Chinese characters covered in the lessons, and carry out some simple conversations on topics studied. Students will also learn some common/popular culture embedded in the Mandarin Chinese language.

Transfer ability:
Transferable to CSU and USC.

Homework, assignments, tests and quizzes and skits:
- Students are expected to turn in homework and assignments on time to receive full credit. Any homework or assignment turns in one week after the due date will not be accepted. It is the student's responsibility to make up a missed homework or assignment within the week of the due date.
- Quizzes are given in every class in the form of dictations and tests are given at the end of every two lessons.
They cannot be made up unless approved by the instructor in advance.
- Oral role-play skits are to be performed in groups of 2-4 students after every two lessons. Since this is a group performance an absentee can greatly affect the other members in the group; therefore make up is not allowed for unexcused absence.

Final Examination:
The final examination will be comprehensive exams covering the lessons taught in the textbook.

Attendance Regulations:
Class attendance and participation are very important. Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes on time. Three absences are the maximum allowed in the entire semester. Coming to class 15 minutes late and leaving early without the instructor's permission will be considered as an absence. If a student is absent excessively, the final grade will be affected. It is your responsibility to drop the class before the final drop date, November 20th, 2007 (see "Important Dates" below), if you decide not to complete the course. If you stop coming to the class and neglect to drop the class before November 20th, 2007, you will receive a penalty grade of "F" that will be on your college transcripts forever.

Class participation:
Students who are unprepared, arrive late, leave early, reluctant to participate, or behave disruptively will receive a lower grade.

Grading Policy:
The final grade will be based on the following:
a. Class attendance and participation (20%)
b. Completion of homework and assignments on time (20%)
c. Tests and quizzes (20%)
d. Three role-play skits/ speaking tests at 5% each (15%)
e. Final exam (25%)

Important Dates:

Last day to drop the course without appearing on record:
September 14th, 2007

Last day to withdraw from the course (after this date you cannot drop from the course and will receive an F grade if you simply stop coming to class):
November 20th, 2007

Final Examination:
CHIN 121 AZH : December 18th, 2007.