BIOL 675

 Syllabus Fall 2012. pdf  BIOL 675 home  My home page  Skyline College

Read the assignments before class.

Print the lab protocol files and bring them to class on the dates indicated.



Lecture (links to class notes)

Reading/Assignments (ref. #)

Aug 24


Introduction. Case Studies

Aug 31

Microbes & Infectious Disease

Concept map 1.pdf
Pathogenicity (12)
Project guidelines
Case Studies due

Sept 7

Koch's Postulates

Historical perspective.pdf (10)
Koch's Postulates

Sept 14

Handwashing lab
Sample data

Handwashing (1)
Handwashing lab protocol.pdf (7)

Sept 21

Impact of Infectious Disease on Human History

Typhoid Mary
Handwashing lab report due

Sept 28


Concept map 2.pdf
Snow (6)
Nightingale.pdf (4)
Semmelweis.pdf (3)

Oct 5

Epidemiology lab
Add your data | Class data

Epidemiology lab protocol.pdf (7)

Oct 19

Case-control studies

Hotel Guests Get Dermatitis.pdf (11)
The Chocolate Factory (12)
Sample case study 1
Sample case study 2
Epidemiology lab due

Oct 26

Control & Prevention

Montagu-Jenner.pdf (2)
Whooping cough (8)
The Problem.pdf

Nov 2

Antimicrobial lab

Antimicrobial lab protocol

Nov 9

Emerging Infectious Diseases

Concept map 3. pdf
EID.pdf (9)
Influenza (14)
Antimicrobial lab due

Nov 16

Sociopolitical issues
Public Health

Immigration Law
Bioweapons.pdf (11)
Health and Human Society.pdf (5)

Nov 30


Peer evaluation due

Dec 7



  1. Case, C. L. "Handwashing." Access Excellence.
  2. Case, C. L. and K-T. Chung. "Montagu and Jenner: The Campaign Against Smallpox." SIM News 47(2):58-60, 1997.
  3. Chung, K-T. and C. L. Case. "Semmelweis: A Lesson in Epidemiology." SIM News 47(5):234-237, 1997.
  4. Cohen, I, B. "Florence Nightingale." Scientific American 250(30:128-137, March 1984.
  5. Hertzman, C. "Health and Human Society." American Scientist, Nov-Dec. 2001.
  6. "John Snow. "UCLA Department of Epidemiology.
  7. Johnson, T. and C. L. Case. Laboratory Experiments in Microbiology, 10th ed. San Francisco CA: Benjamin Cummings, 2013. #1 | #2
  8. Shapiro-Shapin, C. G. “Pearl Kendrick, Grace Eldering, and the Pertussis Vaccine.” Emerging Infectious Diseases 16 (8), 2010.
  9. Morse, S. S. "Factors in the Emergence of Infectious Diseases." Emerging Infectious Diseases 1(1):7-15, 1995.
  10. Satcher, D. "Emerging Infections." Emerging Infectious Diseases 1(1):1-6, 1995.
  11. Tortora, G., Funke, B., and Case, C. L. Microbiology: An Introduction, 8th ed. San Francisco CA: Benjamin Cummings, 2004.
  12. Tortora, G., Funke, B., and Case, C. L. Microbiology: An Introduction, 9th ed. San Francisco CA: Benjamin Cummings, 2007.#1| #2
  13. Tortora, G., Funke, B., and Case, C. L. Microbiology: An Introduction, 11th ed. San Francisco CA: Pearson, 2013.
  14. Webster, R. G. and E. J. Walker. "Influenza." American Scientist, March-April 2003.