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Working in groups of 3, you will write an EIR for an energy project.

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that the potential environmental impacts of proposed projects be evaluated and that feasible methods to reduce or avoid identified significant adverse environmental impacts of these projects be identified. The potential environmental impacts and their mitigation are reported in an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The purpose of an EIR is to serve as an informational document that: “will inform public agency decision-makers and the public generally of the significant environmental effect of a project, identify possible ways to minimize the significant effects, and describe reasonable alternatives to the project."

The projects are listed below. The links will get your data in Excel.

Solar power at Skyline Main Campus

Solar power at Pacific Heights

Solar power at Loma Chica

Solar power at Facilities

Wind power at Skyline Main Campus

Wind power at Pacific Heights

Wind power at Loma Chica

Wind power at Facilities

The EIR must include

 A description of the project
 Need for the project
 A description of the environmental setting
 Impacts of project
 Mitigation of impacts
 Impact of doing nothing

Your written draft EIR should include th

 Description of the project
 Projected energy produced

About CEQA.pdf
Campus map
Skyline total energy use
Wind potential 1 | 2

The grading form.pdf and (1 copy of ) your slides printed in handout format (3, 6, or 9 slides per page) must be turned in at the time of your presentation.


10 minute powerpoint presentation. Guidelines.


Title slide. Titles should be no more than ten words. The title and authors' names appears on the first slide.

Description of the project. A review of current literature on the topic.

Need for the project.

The environmental setting

Impacts of the project

Mitigation of impacts

Impact of doing nothing

Data must be included.
References must be included. Cite at the bottom of appropriate slides using correct format. Style Sheet

 Peer evaluation. Each student will evaluateall the presentation and the members of their group. Some of the criteria you might use could be time spent, useful discussion, work on research, work on layout, and general organization. Peer evaluation form.pdf.