Directions for
Completing & Submitting Assignments

  1. Create an LSCI 105 directory or folder somewhere on your personal computer (hard drive or zip disk) that you will remember and be able to easily find or use a blank formatted floppy disk as your LSCI 105 disk.

  2. From the LSCI 105 home page, click on the Assignments button; then, from the Assignments page, click on the specific assignment you plan to complete.

  3. When the page for the assignment you want to complete is displayed, print out a copy of the assignment page for easier reading. You can also save this page as a text file (using the Netscape "Save as" command) to your LSCI 105 directory/folder. (Use a simple file name that you will remember and make sure the name ends with .txt to designate a text file.)

  4. Complete the reading for each assignment before trying to do the assignment.

    • To do reading, it is recommended that you print out a copy of each section of reading and read the printouts rather than just read the text online. After reading the printout for each section, you should scan the text online and look for any links to other online documents or resources and be sure to follow those links as necessary to view the full information presented. When using an online database or other resource, it is most effective to have a printout of the directions in front of you.

  5. To complete the assignment, either:
    • type in your answers directly into an e-mail message OR
    • open the file with a word processing program while you are following the assignment instructions online using Netscape and fill in answers immediately following the questions on the text file. When you have filled in answers for all the questions, save the assignment file again as a text file in your word processing program and attach the file to an e-mail message.
    • In most assignments, you will also be asked to save specific pages showing your results using various web databases and other resources. You should save these results pages as specified as either .html (also called "source") files or text (.txt) files to your LSCI 105 folder. (Always save files with the file specified in the assignments.)

  6. To turn in an assignment, send an e-mail message to: including:
    • the answers either: in the body of the message OR in an attached text file of the asignment with your answers filled in,
    • the html or text files for the results pages specified in the assignment questions.
    • In the subject line, write: "LSCI 105 Assignment # " and the assignment number. Be sure your name is set as the "From:" name.

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last revised: 5-24-99 by Eric Brenner, Skyline College, San Bruno, CA

These materials may be used for educational purposes if you inform and credit the author and cite the source as: LSCI 105 Computerized Research. All commercial rights are reserved. Send comments or suggestions to: Eric Brenner at