Practice Final Exam Biology 215 Snitovsky

Multiple Choice. Choose the best possible answer to each of the following questions.

Click here for the answers.

1. If the sharks in the above cartoon had found a wounded porpoise instead of a bottle of ketchup, they would have been feeding as ___________ assuming the porpoise was feeding on a fish who feeds on primary consumers.

a. producers d. tertiary consumers

b. primary consumers e. quaternary consumers

c. secondary consumers

2. An individual with blood type AB must have the genotype

a. IAi

b. IBi

c. IABi



 3. The following crossover percentages were calculated for 5 genes located on the same chromosome.

D-E = 20%

A-C = 5%

B-E = 15%

C-B = 5%

B-D = 5%

C-D = 10%

A-D =15%

Which of the following is the correct order of the genes on this chromosome?





4. On the above chromosome, how far apart are genes A and B?

a. 5% d. 20%

b. 10% e. 25%

c. 15%

5. Red-green color blindness is a sex-linked recessive trait. What is the genotype of a color blind male?

a. XrYr

b. XrY


d. XrXr

6. Red-green color blindness is a sex-linked recessive trait. What is the genotype of a color blind female?

a. XrYr

b. XrY


d. XrXr

7. In a tide pool, 15 species of invertebrates were reduced to eight after one species was removed. The species removed was likely a

a. community facilitator c. herbivore

b. keystone predator d. resource partitioner


8. If the flow of energy in an Arctic ecosystem goes through a simple food chain from seaweeds to fish to seals to polar bears, then which of the following is true?

a. Polar bears could provide more food for Eskimos than seals could.

b. The total energy content of the seaweeds would be lower than that of the seals.

c. Polar bear meat would probably contain the highest concentrations of fat-soluble toxins.

d. Seals would be more numerous than fish.

e. The carnivores could provide more food for the Eskimos than the herbivores could.

9. Number 4 represents

a. producers c. secondary consumers

b. primary consumers d. tertiary consumers

10. Number 1 represents

a. producers c. secondary consumers

b. primary consumers d. tertiary consumers

11. A population of mountain lions feeding on deer would occupy which level on the pyramid?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

12. Which level would the deer be on?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4


Use the following diagram to answer questions 13-17. This figure represents a food web for a terrestrial ecosystem. Each letter is a species. The arrows represent energy flow.

13. Which species is autotrophic?

a. a b. b c. c d. d e. e

14. Which species is most likely the decomposer?

a. a b. b c. c d. d e. e

15. A toxic chemical like DDT would probably reach it highest concentration in which species?

a. a b. b c. c d. d e. e

16. Species c makes its predators sick. Which species is most likely to benefit from being a mimic (copying the behavior or color patterns) of c?

a. a b. b c. c d. d e. e

17. Excluding the decomposer, biomass would probably be smallest for which species?

a. a b. b c. c d. d e. e

18. How many grams of grass would be needed to produce 1 gram of lion mass if the lion is feeding at the fourth trophic level?

a. 10 grams

b. 1 gram

c. 100 grams

d. 1000 grams



19. The fish seen above is having blood and juices sucked from it by the sea lamprey attached to it. This is an example of

a. mutualism

b. parasitism

c. commensalism

d. predation

20. The abiotic factor that outweighs all others necessary for growth in an ecosystem is called the _______ factor.

a. temperature

b. light

c. limiting

d. biotic

21. Which one of these populations has the smallest biomass?

a. great white shark <-- b. sea otter <-- c. sea urchin <-- d. kelp

22. Only a portion of the mass of food ingested by an herbivore, such as a snail, is passed on to primary consumers in the next trophic level. What happens to the rest?

a. It is converted into kinetic energy by snail respiration for its own metabolic processes.

b. It is used by the snail for growth

c. It is excreted as feces.

d. b and c

e. all a, b and c

23. Which of the following would NOT be included in describing an ecosystem?

a. The observation that tuna eats anchovies.

b. The temperature of the water is 18°C.

c. Currents move through this area at a speed of 2 knots.

d. Sea anemones have zooxanthellae in their tissues.

e. all of the above would be included in the ecosystem.


Use the following terms to answer questions 24-29.

a. parasitism

b. mutualism

c. commensalism

24. In which interaction does one species benefit while the other is neither harmed nor benefit? __

25. In which interaction do both species benefit?__

26. In which interaction is one species harmed, but usually not killed, while the other species benefits from the relationship?__

27. The relationship between the grey whale and the barnacle is an example of which type of interaction?__

28. The relationship between a dog and a tapeworm is an example of which type of interaction?__

29. The relationship between a cleaner wrasse and the fish it cleans is an example of which type of interaction?__

30. Of the following anatomical structures, which is homologous to the wing of a bat?

a. the dorsal fin of a shark

b. the tail of a kangaroo

c. the wing of a butterfly

d. the pectoral fin of a fish

e. the pectoral fin of a dolphin

31. If a given diploid organism has eight chromosomes, four inherited from its mother and four from its father, meiosis will

a. always separate the four maternal chromosomes from the four paternal ones.

b. never separate the four maternal chromosomes from the four paternal ones.

c. separate the homologous pairs so the resulting cells may have a mix of maternal and paternal chromosomes.

d. cause the chromosomes to split with the resulting cells identical to the parent cell.

32. The primary reason for including a control within the design of an

experiment is to:

a. demonstrate in what way the experiment was performed incorrectly

b. ensure that the results obtained are due to a difference in only

one factor

c. provide more data so that one can perform a more sophisticated

statistical analysis

d. test the effect of more than one variable

e. accumulate more facts that can be reported to other scientists

33. All of the following are characteristic of science EXCEPT:

a. a base of knowledge

b. generation of falsifiable statements

c. accumulation of data

d. unchangeable (dogmatic) facts

e. generalization from observations

34. Which of the following is the scientific name of the grey whale?

a. eschrictius robustus

b. eschrictius robustus

c. Eschrictius robustus

d. eschrictius robustus

35. What is the actual respiratory surface in the mammalian respiratory system?

a. alveoli

b. trachea

c. nostrils

d. bronchiole

36. Which of the following is mismatched?

a. amphibian: 3-chambered heart

b. fish: heart carries only deoxygenated blood.

c. bird: least efficient respiratory surface.

d. earthworm: skin as respiratory surface.

37. The Australian mole is actually a marsupial rather than a placental mammal like the North American mole. The two animals are similar in appearance because

a. they evolved from a mole-like common ancestor.

b. there are practically no placental mammals in Australia.

c. the selection pressures on both were similar.

d. marsupials and placental mammals are closely related.

38. Place the following groups of plants in order, beginning with those that first appeared on the earth and progressing toward those that appeared most recently in time.

a. gymnosperms, angiosperms, ferns, moss, algae

a. angiosperms, ferns, gymnosperms, moss, algae

a. moss, algae, gymnosperms, angiosperms, ferns

a. algae, moss, gymnosperms, angiosperms, ferns

a. algae, moss, ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms


39. During a study session about evolution one of your fellow students remarks "The giraffe stretched its neck while reaching for higher leaves-its offspring inherited longer necks as a result." To correct your fellow student's misconception, what would you say?

a. Characteristics acquired during an organism's life are not passed on through genes.

b. Spontaneous mutations can result in the appearance of new traits.

c. Only favorable adaptations have survival value.

d. Disuse of an organ may lead to its eventual disappearance.

You collect blood samples from each of the organisms shown below. You centrifuge the samples and collect the serum from each individual. You run each through an electrophoresis gel and the following diagram shows your results:

Use these results to answer questions 40-43.

40. Which two animals above are most closely related to each other?

a. blue whale and killer whale

b. fin whale and killer whale

c. fin whale and shark

d. blue whale and fin whale

e. dog and killer whale

41. Which animal above would have the most distant common ancestor compared to the other samples?

a. blue whale d. dog

b. killer whale e. shark

c. fin whale

42. Any similarities between the killer whale and the shark are probably due to

a. a recent common ancestor

b. similar evolutionary paths

c. similar environmental pressures

d. both like to feed on Scuba divers

43. Any differences between the blue whale and the fin whale are probably due to

a. convergent evolution

b. divergent evolution

c. distant common ancestors

d. one evolved from fish; the other from terrestrial mammals

44. Which is greater: the volume of urine excreted after drinking

a. a glass of water

b. a glass of wine

c. the volume of urine would be the same

45. Passive immunity can be obtained by

a. having the disease

b. receiving a vaccination against the disease.

c. receiving antibodies by injection.

d. being injected with a small dose of the antigen.

46. An Rh+ molecule in the body of an Rh- person is considered to be a(n)

a. antigen d. cytotoxic T cell

b. antibody e. memory cell

c. helper T cell

47. Which chamber of the heart has the thickest wall?

a. left atrium c. right atrium

b. left ventricle d. right ventricle

48. In a 10-year old tree, sugars are transported primarily by

a. primary xylem c. secondary xylem

b. primary phloem d. secondary phloem

49. A single-celled freshwater organism, such as a protist, is transferred to salt water. Which of the following is likely to happen?

a. The cell bursts.

b. Salt is pumped out of the cell.

c. The cell shrinks.

d. Enzymes flow out of the cell.

50. Any animal that breathes through its skin must

a. have a high surface area to volume ratio.

b. have a low surface area to volume ratio.

c. keep its skin dry at all times to permit gas exchange.

d. be fictional; there is no such animal.

51. Oxygen and carbon dioxide cross the alveolar membranes through the process of

a. osmosis

b. diffusion

c. active transport

d. atmospheric pressure

e. carbonic anhydrase.

52. Apical meristems are the sites of all _________ in the angiosperm.

a. fertilization event

b. cellular differentiation

c. primary growth

d. water uptake

e. secondary growth

53. The organism above moves by

a. the formation of a pseudopod. c. the beating of flagella.

b. the beating of cilia. d. shooting water out of one side.

54A. This organism digests food by

a. intracellular digestion only.

b. intracellular and extracellular digestion.

c. the use of a gastrovascular cavity.

d. the use of an alimentary canal.



54B. Angiosperms are the most successful terrestrial plants. This success is due to all of the following EXCEPT

a. animal pollination d. xylem with vessels.

b. reduced gametophytes. e. sperm cells with flagella.

c. fruits enclosing seeds.

For each of the following (55-56), mark A if it is an example of convergent evolution, B if it is an example of divergent evolution, C if it is neither.

55. Shell of turtle: Shell of snail

56. Beak of duck: beak of platypus

57. Why is it important to maintain the corpus luteum in the beginning stages of pregnancy?

a. it secretes HCG which can be detected by a urine test.

b. it secretes progesterone which maintains the uterine lining.

c. the fertilized egg is contained inside the corpus luteum.

d. the corpus luteum provides food for the developing embryo.

58. Birth control pills are mixtures of synthetic progesterone and estrogens. Their action in preventing conception is

a. stimulation of the pituitary gland to release LH.

b. feedback inhibition of hypothalamic and pituitary hormones.

c. stimulating of the onset of menstruation.

d. inhibition of growth of the uterine lining.

e. stimulating of the concentration of the smooth muscle of the uterus.

59. Of the following, AIDS is usually transmitted by

a. casual contact. d. sexual intercourse.

b. food. e. insect bites.

c. water.

60. Three babies were recently mixed up in a hospital. After consideration of the data below, which of the following represents the correct baby/parent combinations?

Couple #




Blood groups

A and A

A and B

B and O

Baby #




Blood groups




a. I-3, II-1, III-2

b. I-1, II-3, III-2

c. I-2, II-3, III-1

d. I-2, II-1, III-3

e. I-3, II-2, III-1

Short Answer/Genetics Problems. Use complete sentences to answer short answer questions. Show your work (Punnett Squares) in your answer of genetics problems.

62. Choose plants or animals to answer the following question. What are 5 ways in which these organisms have adapted to a terrestrial life? Hints: You may include in your answer any of the organ systems we have discussed this semester (in lecture or lab). Think about Gas Exchange, Transport, Regulation, Maintaining Homeostasis, Protection of gametes, Support, Prevention of Desiccation (10 points)














63. Hygienic bees uncap the cells of dead larvae and remove the larvae. Nonhygienic bees do neither of these things. The genes for these two behaviors are located on separate chromosomes. The allele for uncapping cells (u) is recessive to the allele for not uncapping cells (U). Likewise, the allele for removal (r) is recessive to the allele for nonremoval (R). (5 points)

Answer the following questions using the information above.

a. If a pure-breeding strain of hygienic bees is crossed with a pure-breeding strain of nonhygienic bees, what will be the genotypes of the F1 generation workers?



b. What will be the phenotype of the F1 generation workers?



c. A test cross (F1 x homozygous recessive) is performed on the F1 generation, and four behavioral classes are obtained. List their genotypes and phenotypes.



64. A. In cats, black color is caused by an X-linked allele; the other allele at this locus causes orange color. The heterozygote is tortoise-shell (a mixture of black and orange hairs). Sex is determined in cats the same way that sex is determined in humans. What kinds of offspring (color and sex) would you expect from the cross of a black female and an orange male?


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